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Keep Going!

"If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

Keep plugging away at it! You know what it is. It’s that important “thing” in your life that makes you feel really good when you think about achieving it. It feels exciting, fulfilling, and gives you purpose. You feel passionate about it!

It may be very big, or you may still need clarity about how to go about realizing your dream. Sometimes you may wonder if it’s even possible… yet you know, deep within, that you want it sooo much. It may be the completion of a pet project, a new deep love relationship, inner peace and happiness, maximum health, a dream job, a desire for your children to flourish, business or income growth, etc. Whatever it is, your inner self becomes as excited as a child whose parent has promised a fun reward when you daydream about it.

When you are persistent, keeping commitments that move you forward, you honor yourself in the pursuit of your dreams. This respect for yourself will provide the clarity you need. It will be easier to be positive as you are truly loving yourself by staying the course. As you keep taking the steps required, more ideas and inspired actions will come to you, and you can keep the momentum going. Your inner-self then shines with happiness. As a result, you continue the upward spiral of having more love, gratitude, and fun in your life as you move along your path to success!

Even when you have put forth great effort, but haven’t yet seen the results that you deeply desire... keep going! You may think to yourself that it’s time to let go and move on to another dream. But the dream can only become your reality when you stick with it.

When we do what we need to do, over and over and over again, and we keep our eyes on the goal, we discover that our dream reality is incredibly close. As a result, we begin to feel the real possibility of it. We begin to see little bits of evidence that what we want is beginning to take shape. And it’s easier than ever before to imagine that it’s already happening, right in front of us.

So, ask yourself what more you can do (think, speak, and act differently) so you can reach your dream. Then, keep going and do it! With each action step that you take, you will get closer and closer, until one day you realize there’s just one more thing left to do that will get you there! When you stay focused and remain calm, you can can get even more clear about that next idea or next inspired action that will make the dream become a reality.

The calmer we are, the faster we get to our goal. So, keep your eye on your goal and know that, wherever you are in the process, it is only temporary. Know that you have the power to persist in your heart. As you continue by taking inspired action, even one small step toward your goal everyday, you will build your confidence. You will be able to positively respond to whatever stands in front of you. When you persist, you are opening your heart to you .

Our heart…. which drives our willingness to continue toward our happiness, is the most important ingredient for our success as leaders, business people, and human beings. It’s the required foundation for truly living a joyful life now!

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to:

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