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Time is an Illusion

"Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live. Time is an illusion." ~ Albert Einstein

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

Albert Einstein may well have been the most brilliant person who has ever lived. There is so information out there about him, which explains his discovery that time is relative... it’s an illusion. Like Einstein said, "There is only now. Now is the only time that exists." And this moment exists in whatever way we are choosing to experience it. So, be sure you focus on creating the experience that you want. Create it from your heart!

Einstein's explanation that the concept of time is simply a human mental construct (modes by which we think) comes from this fascinating conclusion.

NOW is where we experience our lives... it is the only moment that we create in. The past and future are either memories or imagination. They are constructs of our mind. We remember our previous experiences and we speculate about what comes next, but NOW is the only moment in which we create our lives based on how we feel. NOW is all that matters!

While this may seem complicated, it’s actually quite simple when you think of it this way. According to a famous Abraham-Hicks quote:

“If you examine your history, you cannot help but repeat it! ... Whatever I am looking at now, I am including in my energy vibration (feelings)."

We must be very diligent about what we allow our mind and heart to focus on in the moment. Since we create what we focus on and what we expect, we must expect the best, and nothing less. When we are open to how we feel, our hearts will always lead the way.

In other words, it requires that we stay present, with all of our focus and attention on gratitude for what we have and whatever it is that we want to create. Since we create everything by the way we feel, we must feel good in our heart to create what we truly desire.

The easy part? If you are truly living in the present moment, you will only feel good. How is that? Think of it this way. If you are not feeling good in any particular moment, you are not staying with the true potential of that moment. You are not allowing it to unfold with the beauty that you truly desire, deep down inside. This is because you are bringing your past thoughts and experiences into your NOW and you are thinking about something other than the amazing potential that the present moment holds for you in your “future.” You are likely thinking about, and then are projecting something, from your past experiences onto your next experience.

So, in order to create what we want, we need stay with the present experience. When we do this, something wonderful and fascinating happens. When we are truly in the moment and we are experiencing just that moment, feeling good, we automatically become calm. Calmness is the key to creating everything that we truly desire!

Being present in a moment is a skill that we need to develop. Yes, it requires persistence, perseverance, practice, and patience. But, when we get the hang of it, it feels sooo good! And that’s the moment of knowing that it’s happening now. That’s when you feel it’s a done deal. You picture it in your mind, you KNOW it in your gut, and you will then SEE it in your reality!

So, ask yourself these questions, then read below for some tips on where to begin.

What state are you in when you begin your day?

Do you feel centered, calm, balanced?

Do you feel good about yourself and what you’ve got going on?

Do you have a plan that includes your priorities... the ones that fulfill you, bring you peace, and get you closer to reaching your goal?

Do you focus on making your day fun no matter the tasks on your list?

If you feel anything other than these things, starting today, try thinking about time differently.

Practice these 3 simple steps every day for the best results.

1) First, and most importantly, take some time today... and every day... to get quiet with yourself, even if it's only 15 minutes. See how much better you feel on the way to where you are going. Even a small amount of “me time” will clear your mind, improve your focus for the rest of your day, and give you more confidence about scripting the day in front of you as you go. You will feel more centered, empowered, and calm. When you take time for yourself every day, you open your mind to the creativity that is deep within you. This is the power that you use to create your life! This is when you begin to live in the moment, allowing the stream to take you through your day in a way that feels so much more connected and joyful.

Remember, you get what you expect, what you believe, and what you focus on. Calm is the key! When you feel calm, you feel more confident in the power that you are! You are always more effective and efficient when your mind is calm, your body is relaxed, and you feel your power.

2) Every day, during your quiet time, repeat to yourself: "I am so grateful that I have more than enough time to get everything done in an easy and relaxed manner."

Remember, how you truly experience time is relative to how you think about it! So, visualize and see yourself with a smile on your face, moving through your day efficiently, getting it all done, and feeling great about it. Script your day and see yourself intently focused on one thing at a time. End your session with a statement such as this to yourself, feeling the calm and joy of the moment.

“I am calm and effective as I move through my day.” I have an abundance of time to do whatever I want and I always have fun doing it."

Pick one of these statements and repeat it over and over again, like a mantra or a prayer throughout your day, and it will flow more easily. If you want it to happen even more quickly, write them down everyday, and make them a goal in your life. Studies prove that writing as an action adds an additional element of focus and power.

Now, watch how much more you get done as you feel better, more calm, and more inspired to make the best choices and take the most effective actions in the moment you are living it.

3) Last but not least, live more presently with awareness of the activities you’re engaged in. Have gratitude for everyone and everything around you, in that very moment you are experiencing it. Practice scripting everything! In other words, focus only on what you want.

At the end of your magnificent day, be sure to specifically think about how grateful you are for this new kind of day you are experiencing. When you do this, you will have more and more days where you truly feel like you are living a magical, amazing life of joy!

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

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