"If you celebrate your differentness, the world will, too. It believes exactly what you tell it. Tell the world you are a one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy." ~ Victoria Moran

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
Remember, your job today and everyday is to feel really really good, to keep your personal "love tank" full. This is the way to experiencing wonder and spreading joy. You will be truly happy as you feel more love and gratitude than ever before, and as you have more and more fun! This is when your life becomes truly magical. How can you do this? Every morning, picture in your mind what you would like your day to look like. Script your day from love. Feel lots of love and gratitude, have fun with it and watch the magic unfold!
Make choices each and every moment of your day that feel good to you and bring you closer to reaching your goal. By doing this, you will create a foundation of happiness and calm that allows you to create more of what you truly want for yourself and others. From this deep, inner place of calm, you can consciously decide what you would like and, in that moment, create the outcome that you want. You will see your world change in front of your very eyes.
You have only your thoughts, words, and actions to work with, so be sure you use them wisely. When you do, you will have an abundance of love and joy available for yourself and others. You are sure to always feel great, creating more of the outcomes you truly desire! With a full "love tank" you will maintain calm, experiencing the magic of wonder and joy. A calm mindset is what you must have to get that joyful outcome. What is the number one most important thing in filling and keeping your "love tank." First and foremost, you must feel love for and know your wonderful, unique self. Open your heart to you first, and recognize that you are special and brilliant. See your magnificence and completely accept the real you, knowing the power you hold within as you feel lots of love for you. If you don't know for sure what makes you tick, what brings you inner peace and joy, and what makes you different, ask the simple questions... "Who am I?" and "What are my gifts and talents?" Don't stop asking until you have clarity about them, and are happy with the world around you that you have created. Then, be sure only to compare yourself to you and your potential, as there is only one unique you.
Ask yourself questions like, “What do I do well”, “What brings me joy?” and “What makes me feel awe?” Then, follow through with the answers you receive. Try meditation, quiet time, a nature retreat, or simple prayer to ask these questions, and listen for guidance from within. Go out and try new things that you’ve thought about and have always wanted to experience. Open your heart and your mind to new ways of being, thinking about, and experiencing the world. Then, take a new adventure, big or small. Get out of your routine and have more fun today! Be lighthearted, like a child, and you
will feel more joy. Use words that are joyful and fun. Be curious and feel the wonder of the differentness of yourself and others. Diversity is such a gift when your heart is open wide to see the beauty in everyone and everything, including within you. Know who you really are and embrace your differences. Allow others to be their unique selves too. Just focus on getting clear about what you want out of your life, what your joys and passions are, and pursue them. Relentlessly. Love yourself by keeping your love tank full so you can share it with others. It is the only way, as you can only give love to someone else if you first have it to give. Keep going! Don’t give up until you find the answers that give you that deep peace which comes from knowing your truth. Enjoy feeling more fun and awe with the world than ever before, and sheer joy and wonder as you script your life in a way that will make you happy with who you are! Have an absolutely magical day full of love gratitude and fun!
If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!
Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please
Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to: MaryLynn@LivingAJoyfulLifeNow.com