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The Magic of Kind Words

"Kind words are a creative force, a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good, and energy that showers blessings upon the world." -Lawrence G. Lovasik

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

Give the gift of kind words to everyone this holiday season. YES! To all those special people in your life and to EVERYONE you come into contact with. Impact everyone you speak to in the most positive way. Make your words sing! The more you use words to express joy, kindness, love, and gratitude, the more you evoke those same feelings within yourself.

Remember, we create everything in our lives by the way we feel. So, it is critical that we feel good. Only when we feel good do we create what we desire. When we speak, the words we say make our emotions stronger. As our emotions become amplified, they create more of whatever we are talking about! So, choose words that make you, and the recipients of those words, feel really, really good.

There are endless kind words you can use to express your gratitude and love for others, no matter who they are: family and friends, acquaintances or strangers, and colleagues.

Start with a smile and a simple 'thank you' for the little things to get warmed up. Then, work your way up to those who are closest to you and tell them you care. Tell them, "I love you", " I appreciate you," and "I am so grateful to have you in my life!"

Look for the good in everything they do well and compliment others. Expect more of what you want and you’ll begin to see it. You get what you focus on, so look for the best. You’ll begin to see it more often as you simply note it and express gratitude for it.

Use texts, notes, cards, letters, email, and, of course, your most pleasant and authentic voice. Mix it up and reinforce the message of love and kindness often. You can never give too much of these priceless gifts.

And what happens when you do this? Not only do the recipients of your kindness feel great, but you will feel great too! As you begin to see the perfection in others, you will feel the perfection of love that you already are. Then, they will see that perfection in you and they will easily love and appreciate you more and more.

Practice kindness everyday, to everyone, and you will feel overwhelming happiness and a beautiful sense of calm. And calm is where the true holiday magic resides!

Have and absolutely magical day full of love gratitude and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

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