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Holiday Magic Every Day

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

"Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling." ~Edna Ferber

We create everything in our lives based on how we feel. So, when we feel good, we create peace and calm in our lives. That is when the "magic" happens, and when we achieve the things we want. And this is something we can do every day...not just during the holidays.

Make this season magical by remembering to have and radiate love from your very core. In order for you to have that special Holiday feeling of peace and joy everyday, you need to concentrate on how you feel, then everything magical will fall into place.

The holidays are all about giving to others so, of course, partake in the generous mood and spirit. Giving at the holidays is like saying thank you to the special people in your life for the love, support and friendship they offer you all year long. And you benefit from your kindness because it always feels good to give to another without thought of personal gain. Just think about it… when we give gifts, we feel good. When we share our feelings of gratitude and appreciation with everyone we come into contact with, and when we speak kind words, and smile, it makes us feel good. We become much happier! Because we feel good, we create what we want in every area of our lives. This brings us great joy, and that is the very same joy that we all have available to us every single day of the year.

What if we extended these expressions and feelings of gratitude to every day of your life? How magical would our life be? Beyond anything we can imagine!

Why not pick up the phone today and call someone you've wanted to speak to in a long while, but haven't. Or, send a card, an email, or text with a thought of appreciation or love. Just try this once a day, every day. If you truly make this a daily habit, you will be in awe of how wonderful you will feel.

Remember, because you are the one creating everything in your life, you must give that same love, respect, and kindness to yourself first. Appreciating and feeling love for yourself first, naturally allows you to feel lots of love for others.

So, put a smile on your face and have some fun today as you give the gift of joy to everyone around you. Make yourself happy, be grateful for all that you have right now, and during this blessed time of year and every other time of year... love yourself unconditionally!

Do these things consistently and see the magic and miracles of a peaceful and calm life flow your way everyday.

Have an absolutely magical day full of love gratitude and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

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