"He that can have patience can have what he will."~Benjamin Franklin

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
It’s early in the year, so there is still plenty of time to get started in making this the most exciting and joyful time of our lives. We create our lives, so what it looks like now, and how it unfolds, depends completely on us. We hear this from many sources, but do we really understand what it means? This is not a metaphor. It’s not just a figure of speech! This is the most wonderful thing we can ever be aware of and truly understand. We literally create our lives!
It’s time for you to know how powerful you really are. EVERYTHING starts with you...YOU are creating everything! And, in order to create what you want, you need to become calmer than ever before. You need to take yourself to a new, higher level of awareness of the power within you than ever before. It’s time to become the new you!
When we become calm, everything falls more easily into place, and we naturally become more patient. This patience is the foundation for our success. Patience is a calm knowing that what you want in your heart is absolutely possible. You just KNOW that what you desire is already in the works, and you are well on your way to your success. "Knowing" is the place where miracles happen. And we can only get there through love. Love takes us to calm, calm creates patience, and this takes us to knowing.
So, how can we create more of that calm knowing in our life? Here are some steps to build the foundation that will get you there.
1. Love yourself, everyone, and everything else more than ever before. Fill your own love tank first, and you will have lots of love to give to others and the world around you. The more you love you, exactly as you are, and you continue to grow in a very aware manner, the easier it becomes to open your heart to joyful growth and opportunities. When you feel love for yourself, it means you see yourself as the truly special, brilliant, incredible and amazing being you were born to be. You recognize your gifts and talents and use them to create a wonderful life for you. And, it is always to the benefit of others when you live life as the best version of you!
2. Feel more grateful and appreciative than ever before. Look around you and realize that you have so much in your life already….so much to be thankful for. Incorporate gratitude in your life as a daily routine. As you go through your day, keep your mind focused on all of the things and people that you have in the present moment. Make it a new habit, integrate it into the segments of your day and you will feel wonderful everyday!
3. Concentrate on having FUN with everything you do! Start with finding more lighthearted ways to approach everything, even the things that you may initially feel are impossible to have fun with. In the moment you are in it, feeling love is the answer to everything. There is always a way, and it changes everything! Love is at the heart of true fun.
One last very important thing to remember: how you feel NOW determines how your present moment and the situation it contains evolve. It paves the way to your future. So, you must always pay attention to your feelings, making sure that you feel good inside, are at peace with yourself, and have a calm mindset. How can you do this in a pinch? Simply stop, take a few deep breaths and feel love for yourself. Put your hand on your heart, and go back to feeling love and gratitude, first for you, then for everything else. Just look around you and focus on whatever you see, big or small, right there in front of your very eyes. If necessary, get out a piece of paper and start writing about the gratitude you feel for whatever comes to your mind. It has been scientifically proven that using this simple tool will release dopamine into your brain and immediately make you feel better. Then, see a snapshot in your mind of what you want the outcome to be. Feel lots of love for whatever you envision and your heart truly desires.
Then, this love and gratitude will once again create more calm and more patience. This is how you will shape your reality into the fun outcome that your heart and soul truly desire.
Are you truly ready to make this the most exciting time of your life? It’s your choice. It’s up to you, and the way there is more simple and profound that you may think.
Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, fun!
~Mary Lynn Ziemer
If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!
Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please
Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to: MaryLynn@LivingAJoyfulLifeNow.com