"Let me tell you something. Live your truth right out in the open. No hiding or apologizing for who you are. What do you have to lose—the good opinion of others? Believe me, they have no idea how to do life. And if they are looking at you at all while you’re busy living your truth, it is probably with a mixture of curiosity and admiration for the boldness they can’t muster." ~ Jacob Nordby

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
What do you have to gain by being your most authentic and true self? How bold can you be as you step into being the real you?
There are so many bold, beautiful, and exotic animals on this earth. One that we all are likely familiar with is the peacock. In history, myth, and legend, the peacock is a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics, and is a symbol of the integrity and beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to show our true colors. When we have awareness of who we are at our very core, it is nothing short of spectacular!
A peacock is magnificent, as they are simply being what they were created to be. They recognize their incredible beauty, and they have no qualms about sharing it with the world around them. You can see it in their stance as they move, shake, and dance. They love to parade around, and are proud to be seen. In fact, they know no other way. They feel completely comfortable and worthy of their beautiful gift of color.
Why is this so important? In the unfolding of a peacock's tail, it’s as though their primary purpose is that others will also appreciate this gift that nature has given to them. In return, each time we see a peacock, our greatest desire is to see it again. We think to ourselves, “Please raise your train of feathers, and show me the glory of your gifts.” We ask of them, “Please show me the best version of you!”
So what about us? What is the difference between that incredible, beautiful, bird, and us?
Our beauty is deep and profound, and it goes far beyond the tail of a peacock. Humans are so remarkably spectacular! We must honor ourselves by taking time to reflect on who we are. We must be grateful for the gifts and talents that we’ve been given by loving ourselves and continuing to grow into the best version of who we already are.
When we do what is most aligned with our true nature, and celebrate the uniqueness of who we are, we will always feel wonderful! When we stand in the truth of our worthiness, we will have the greatest and most positive impact on others.
How can you do this?
Celebrate who you are everyday! Recognize the special talents and unique gifts that you bring to life. Know your brilliance, it’s there if you look for it! Start by finding your passions. Notice topics that interest you or subjects that you find yourself frequently thinking about. These are the activities that make your heart sing and give you joy. Own them!
As you engage in your own personal talents, you will more naturally feel love for yourself. When you do, you will feel more at peace with yourself and others, making it easier to stay in a place of good cheer and love. Your comfort in your own skin is very appealing to others as well. Just be who you are, and others will see your beauty. Others will flock to spend time with you. Be the most authentic "you" that you can be, and your light will shine brightly. You will inspire others around you in the most wonderful way!
The only one who can find your dreams is YOU. Come out of hiding, and apply yourself and your gifts today! Don’t hold back. Share the real you with everyone, and have fun with it! Be the lighthearted child that you really are within. Smile, laugh, and have fun with whatever you are doing.
Enjoying this amazing game called "life" is what it’s all about! We must feel great love for ourselves, and share that love with others, in order to really have fun. We must let them see and experience the real us. Only when we love ourselves deeply and completely will we create our most amazing lives. Then, we can live in the full glory of all the gifts we have been given. We can take ourselves to another higher level of calm and joy, beyond what we have yet to experience. It’s then that we can create our most amazing lives.
Find your way there by allowing yourself to be guided from within, instead of from the outside. As we love ourselves more, we connect to that incredible Power inside that raises us to new and greater levels of growth and joy. Do you want to wake up in the morning excited, jumping out of bed with a thirst for life that you haven't felt since you were a child? Then, be like a peacock, be the best version of you, and enjoy how good your magnificence feels to you and everyone around you!
It’s both very simple, yet very profound indeed. Feel great love and gratitude for yourself, everyone, and everything more intensely than ever before!
Enjoy the short video clip below that shows you stunning varieties of Peacocks strutting and dancing (about 1 minute in), as well as a sampling of some of the most beautiful birds in existence.
Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, fun!
~Mary Lynn Ziemer
If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!
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Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to: MaryLynn@LivingAJoyfulLifeNow.com