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It's Your Lucky Day!

"Luck is everywhere around you, you just have to find it and if you do, it won’t leave you!" ~Author unknown

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Feeling lucky? You should be!

Instead of talking about "luck" today, we're going to talk about "happiness". Because when you are in a place of authentic happiness, every day (in fact every MOMENT) will feel like your "lucky day!"

Coming up in just a few days is the International Day of Happiness as established by the United Nations! True happiness comes from inside of yourself. So, in order to have happy lives, we have to start from the inside. Then, we can share our happiness with approximately 1,000 others every day as it ripples out all around us!

**** International Happiness Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly on 28 June 2012 and is celebrated around the world on this day every year. This year 'YOUR HAPPINESS IS PART OF SOMETHING BIGGER', focuses on the importance of human connection. Be sure to send lots of love to everyone you come into contact with today!

Start celebrating by make loving choices for yourself today!

Here are the steps to help you get started:

1. The only thing that truly matters is that you are filled with love inside. Feel lots of love for yourself, everyone, and everything else. This is where true happiness and joy originate...from the inside, not out. Start by recognizing how brilliant and amazing you are. When you are able to see the love that you are, you will be able to see the brilliance and beauty in everyone and everything.

2. Remember that you are living in and creating your life in the present moment, right now... it is all that exists. Nothing else matters! When we concentrate on now by feeling lots of love, the future takes care of itself and becomes amazing. Everything else is just a memory or speculation. So, do your best to let go of things that have happened in the past, and do not worry about things that have yet to occur.

3. As you practice staying in the moment, here is the key. Look around and FEEL that what you want is what you ALREADY HAVE. Feel love and gratitude for it, and you will have more joy in that moment. Say to yourself, I am so grateful for ____________ (fill in the blank with whatever you are involved in at the moment.) For example...

"I am so grateful for this hot shower and how good it makes me feel right now."

"I am so grateful for my spouse or significant other, who loves me."

"I am so grateful that I have a wonderful place to walk my dog today and he is so happy."

"I am so grateful for this food I have to eat and how it nourishes my body perfectly."

Remember, you get what you want when you feel great about what you already have. 4. As you are enjoying every moment, carry love and gratitude with you in each activity throughout your day. Even during those activities that seem mundane, feel yourself overflowing with love and kind thoughts. Find the blessings in your current situation and you will begin to feel more happiness and joy immediately.

5. Be sure you have a goal that feels exciting to you, one that gives you direction and purpose in your life. A goal that is uniquely yours will inspire you, help you stay focused, make you feel alive, and empower you to take the action required to make it happen.

6. Take “me time” for yourself. Even as little as 15 minutes a day to quiet your mind through meditation, affirmations, prayer, walking in nature, etc. It will recharge your battery, and when you are consistent through daily self-care mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, it means you love yourself enough to stay in a space of feeling good. Now you are in control of your life, not the other way around.

7. If you are faced with a situation that does not make you feel joyful, stay calm and know that this is temporary. Remember, it is not the circumstances you find yourself in that is most important but the mindset that you have. When you stay calm, you are able to respond from love and create the most positive outcome for yourself and others. Feel love for you, everyone, and everything involved and stay focused on the picture of the outcome you would like to create. When you know clearly what you want and you feel lots of love for everyone and everything involved, that’s when the magic happens.

8. One of the best ways to celebrate International Happiness Day is simply... have lots of fun! Always come back to fun! Smile and laugh a lot all day long. Smile at yourself in the mirror, at co-workers, friends, family, and strangers. Be more light-hearted and laugh at yourself. Never underestimate the power of having fun!

9. Before you get out of bed each day, expect your day to be amazing! Say to yourself,

“I am so grateful that today is the best day of my life!”

When you repeat these steps consistently, every day, you will feel happier than you ever imagined. You can wake up every morning knowing that this is your "luckiest, best day ever"...and revel in the glorious feeling of deep and authentic happiness!

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

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