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Do It For the Fun of It!

“If you want to succeed in anything you do, you have to find some fun in it.” – Author unknown

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

So often, as my clients learn how this wonderful world really works, they begin to understand more about the power of their mind and heart. As they do this, they quickly begin to realize that they are having so much more fun than they ever expected. They begin to understand that the tools they use to create a life that they love are simple and profound. These tools take their lives to a completely new level and life becomes so much easier... so much more fun!

It takes practice and persistence, but who doesn’t want to practice having more fun?!

Of course I’m going to say it again ☺, we create everything in our lives by the way we feel, and only when we feel really good do we create what we truly want.

The kind of "feel good" that I’m talking about is fun at a whole new level. It’s fun at its best! It’s so joyful, effortless, and easy, and we feel a bit like a child again... light-hearted and free.

We are truly happy when we are having fun, and love is always at its core. It’s this level of joyful fun that allows us to create more of what we want faster and more easily than ever before. We talk a lot about having more fun in our lives than we ever have before. We get out of bed feeling more joyful and happy to create our day from this inner space of peace and calm. Actually, they are surprised by how much fun they have now. It goes beyond their expectations. That new feeling of “WOW” takes them to a completely new level and as a result their lives become completely different. In fact, it goes beyond the definition of “WOW.” They often feel transformed, more deeply happy and alive than ever before. It’s almost indescribable as it’s beyond anything any of us have ever experienced on a consistent basis.

So, how do you do it? You focus on having more fun with everything you do. You become more playful, more grateful, and more loving. You bring out the child in yourself often. In the book, Play: How it shapes the brain, opens the imagination, and invigorates the soul, researcher and author S. Brown states, “Play is a state of mind; a certain attitude we can incorporate into any and every activity.” Having fun and playing traditionally have been connected with children and the early years of our development. Fun, play, happiness, laughter and a personal sense of freedom provide us with more fulfilling lives and even more, it helps us stay young.

Research results are worth mentioning. Studies show that being more playful and having more fun deepens our relationships. It also keeps our employees more satisfied, and they stay with a company longer. Having more fun also creates happier clients and increases productivity and sales. This "fun" that I am speaking of has brought any number of my clients more customers, more sales, and more income as they show up as their most magnetic, authentic self.

The wonder of fun increases our vitality, youthfulness, and our level of energy. It improves our memory and concentration. So, the old saying “Laughter really is the best medicine” is more real than you might think! When you begin to consciously focus on having fun and creating all the little things in your day-to-day experiences, everything changes. That new feeling of joyful, loving fun makes it so much easier for us to create bigger things.

When we have fun, we realize that we are living in the present moment, creating everything more easily and more quickly than ever before. So, it’s really quite simple. We must look at every situation and ask ourselves: "What would I like the outcome of this situation to be?" When we do this, it changes everything! We feel more at peace and we feel lighter as we look towards the fun we are going to have creating what we truly want deep in our hearts. Then, we put a picture in our mind of a perfect outcome. So, go for the fun! Make it a win-win for everyone involved. Be clear about what that perfect outcome looks like, and feels lots of joy and love all around it.

If you catch yourself thinking about other thoughts, rather than what’s in front of you, be sure to start again. Reframe those thoughts to fun thoughts about whatever the topic is. Flip the Switch to Joy and wish the best for whomever or whatever you are thinking about. Send them or the situation lots of love and return to present moment, the only one that matters.

No matter the circumstances, big or small, go through your day with the mindset of love, gratitude, and fun. Continuously ask yourself these questions:

"What do I want that feels joyful and fun to me?"

"What’s the win-win in the situation in front of me?"

Whenever you come from love, everyone wins, and everyone has lots of fun. So, open your mind and heart at this moment and ask yourself what it wants?

You have the power to create whatever your heart truly desires! What is it that you want? Deep happiness? Great health? More money? That dream job that fulfills you and pays you well? Or a greatly improved and deeply happy relationship? Whatever it is, know that it’s possible. So go for the gold, don’t hold back, and reach for the Universe. It will always take you where you truly want to go. It will get you to that next most wonderful level of fun, one that only now has become imaginable, a life that is so much easier, more joyful, and definitely more magical.

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to:

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