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Follow Your Own Intuition

“Success is realizing that the true joy and wonder of life can only be yours if you follow your own intuition, aiming to achieve your bliss.” ~Steven Redhead, The Solution

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

Open your eyes, open your mind! See the Truth....that this moment is the only moment that matters. And in this moment, we are never alone. There is another part of us that is always guiding us to the perfect outcome, when we are listening.

Why do we feel that an idea is right or wrong for us? How do we "just plain know" that we should move forward with a plan…or not? Why are we often convinced that we are guided with our big decisions? Call it intuition, gut feeling, a hunch, God, Higher Power, Spirit, Soul, or the Universe. Whatever you call it, we all know the feeling… and when we follow it, we will be happier.

Seize the blessings of this connection! Enhance your life. Make something happen as you feel this loving power that you are. It is the highest form of intelligence, transcending all individual abilities and skills. Our intuition holds infinite potential for each of us. Just listen to your own thoughts and the rhythm of your heart. Feel the power, as you consciously focus on your heart, and open it wide to yourself and the world. As you tap into this power of love, you will receive clarity about what you need to know. You will feel more joy and have more fun in your day-to-day life than ever before. That power is there for you. Trust your intuition and take inspired action accordingly.

What’s the fastest way to develop this simple and amazing tool? Be calm. What’s the quickest way to calm? Be present and meditate daily.

You can hear your inner guidance best by quieting yourself and listening. You can do this most easily by:

1. Turning off your phone, computer, and television, and relaxing in a quiet place. Or, retreat into nature.

2. Use a journal, or paper and pen. Then, be grateful in advance for the guidance you are about to receive.

3. Think about a situation that you would like clarity about and ask an open-ended question. For example, “What is the best course of action to take?”

4. Now, pause and listen. While you are quiet and calm, write down what comes to your mind. You will know the authenticity of its nature by how it makes you feel. If it gives you peace and calm, your answer is there in front of you.

5. Listen to your own inner truths. Listen to the loving truth that speaks in your heart, body, and mind. When you develop this practice, you will know that you are never alone. There is always this greater part within us that, when we are aware and feel connected, is moving us through our day in a way that feels peaceful and joyful. It is a place of great inner confidence and calm.

Every answer you are looking for is there, in that space, waiting for you as you ask for assistance. You just have to acknowledge your Power within, be grateful, and practice often. You have been given this magnificent inner guidance system to help you live a joyful life now! Just follow the steps above and TRUST that you are never alone.

Know that this voice is YOU, the power of love within you, and when you accept and begin to recognize its truth and value, you will be lead to results beyond anything you could ever have imagined. This deeper truth always has YOUR best interest at heart!

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

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