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The Adventure of Curiosity

"Be like Curious George, start with a question and look under the yellow hat to find what's there." ~James Collins

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

The human spirit thrives on creativity, so be more curious today! Habit and structure are helpful and comforting...except for when your soul is aching for some new adventure to explore. We’ve all felt the urge at some time or another to move forward in exploration of something new. When that happens it means our creative nature is awakening….it’s propelling us to a new level of happiness and joy!

Yes, joy awaits all of us when we are curious about ourselves, about our relationships, and just about plain old fun. Studies show that curiosity is an element of happiness that expands along with our imagination as we feel inspired to explore. So why not take an adventure by being more curious today. Here are a few of the benefits you might consider as you open yourself to curiosity!

1. You’ll have more fun! Curiosity is an open-mindedness to the unknown. It's being open to what lies in front of us...things we have not yet experienced, but we want to. It is our true nature, so venture out with wild abandon, like we did when we were children. Why? When you’re having fun, you feel good. When you feel good, you will create more of what you truly desire.

2. Grow your imagination through curiosity. We are creative beings and our purpose is growth through joy and fun. Like an adorable young child responded in a presentation I recently gave about this topic, he said curiosity is a “wondering”. That child could not have described it more perfectly. Curiosity is a strong wondering to know and learn, and it’s very fun! Growth is fun and fun leads to a calm mindset. Calm is where the real magic of our lives take place. The calmer we are, the more creative we will be. Keep on wondering forever! Wonder, wonder, wonder….and then wonder some more.

3. Uncover your truth. Be curious about who you are and what gives you true joy. Seeking truth about ourselves is fulfilling and rewarding. One study done with people in Hospice care showed that the number #1 regret they held in their heart was that they hadn’t had the courage to live the life that was true for them. Know that it is never too late to uncover who you really are and to live a life that is true for you.

4. Deepen your relationships. Curiosity in relationships is an open- heartedness, a whole-heartedness, that allows us to take them to levels of authenticity and joy that we may never have expected. Getting there requires our own self-love first. As we learn to love ourselves exactly as we are, with a willingness to learn and grow, we begin to see the beauty and potential in others.

Do you want to move forward in life feeling more love than you’ve ever felt before, and having more fun than you’ve ever had before? Then you’ll need to do one more thing. Living a life of curiosity and joy requires that we be fully present.

So, I’ll end where I began. Be like a child! Young children live in the present moment, just going from one fun thing to the next. Live more deliberately in the present moment. Focus on your life and be grateful for whatever is right there in front of you and then ask yourself, “What am I curious about, what do I want to create next that would make me truly happy?" Then go and do it!

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

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