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Take Inventory of Your Life.

“Whatever it is that is now presenting itself as part of your creation, own it, claim it, be thankful for it…..If there is some aspect of creation you find you do not enjoy, bless it and simply change it. Choose again. Call forth a new reality.” ~God quote from “Conversations With God” Book 1, Neale Donald Walsch

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

It's time to take inventory of your life. Feel grateful for everything you have right now. Then, you must decide what your "ideal life" looks like and begin to feel grateful for it... as if it already exists! Both are equally important in creating the life of your dreams. If you want to create more positive and wonderful things in your life, even real miracles, all you have to do to begin is one thing. Feel gratitude, and feel it all day long.

Years ago, one of my clients told me that she had nothing in her life to be grateful for. She felt that her life was so far from ideal that she couldn’t find anything that she felt thankful for. I told her we just needed to search a bit to help her see the truth. I asked if she had a place to live, and she said yes. I asked her if she had a bed to sleep in, and she said yes. I ask if she had running water, food to eat, and a car to drive. She said yes, and she understood. There is always more to be grateful for than we think. We just have to stop and notice with appreciation what we already have that we might have previously considered mundane or insignificant.

We must start with where we are, because the starting point, right now, is most important to creating our ideal life. Now is all that matters. The required starting point is a calm mindset, and gratitude is the fastest way to get there. Right in front of us, there are already so many things to be grateful for. When we begin to see how much we have, studies prove that we get more of it.

Remember, we create everything in our life based on the way we feel. When we focus on something, we create more of it. So, if we feel that something is lacking and we are focusing on that lack, we are creating more of that. Even though we may want more of it, because our focus is on feeling the lack, we will only create more “lack of it”.

Want more money? A better job? Better relationships? Good news... it's already there. You just have to feel grateful for it!

For example, in order to have more money, you must first be very thankful for and feel good about the money you already have. If you want a better job, it’s important that you recognize the good that your current job is already providing and be grateful for it. The same applies to relationships. If you want more love in your relationships, you have to recognize the love that already exists and feel gratitude for it, all while you focus on seeing the potential of more love that it already holds.

It is only possible to bring more good into your life if you are feeling gratitude for what you already have around the topic of your desire. So start anew and ask yourself, “What do I already have in this area of my life that I am grateful for?”

This is the surest way to begin getting more of what you want. No matter what you’d like to have, you must be grateful for what you already have surrounding the topic of your desire.

Here’s a simple practice to get you started and focused. Over the next week, make a conscious effort to pause throughout the day, each day, and feel grateful for everything and everyone in your life that you come into contact with. Do this over the entire week and see how much better you feel.

Don’t worry about whether you can remember to do it all day long or not. Just get started. If you want to be reminded put sticky notes on your computer, on your mirrors, in your car, or in other obvious places to help you remember. It will get easier if you just begin with having compassion for yourself in the process. Just do the best you can, and keep going. Start again the next day with new fresh eyes in order to see more of what you have to be grateful for.

Then, get more granular. At the end of your day, before you go to sleep, pick 3 things that you are grateful for, specifically around something you want more of. Don’t worry about how big or small, personal or professional. Everything counts, everything matters. Write about them in detail or relive them in your mind as you are falling asleep. Be sure to feel gratitude and joy from your heart as you review your precious experiences of the day.

Now, as you continue with your new habit when you wake up, take notice of the surprises and “little miracles” that begin to occur and be sure to include them in your daily review.

When you give thanks throughout your day, you go to bed with a profound feeling

of gratitude for all that you have. You feel more happiness, peace, and calm. And calm is always the way to the life of your dreams.

Next week, we’ll discuss how to have gratitude in advance so you can shape your new reality with more precision.

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

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