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Be Diligent….always look for, and speak about, the good in others.

“Language creates reality. Words have power. Speak always to create joy.” ~Deepak Chopra

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

Look for the good in everything others do and compliment them. Notice what people around you do well, and share your positive feedback about them with others. Spread only kind words and good news, and notice how good it makes YOU feel too. Stay focused on the positive traits and actions of others. Truly let go, in your mind and your heart, of anything that is keeping you from feeling calm about them. Why? Because we create our life only in the present moment, not in the past and not in the future. So why wouldn’t you want to spend your precious present moment creating more of what you want? Why not try a new approach to improving your relationships with others. These good feeling moments are what it’s all about. Only with good feelings do you create what your heart truly desires. Be diligent! Commit to a new habit in your life: only engage in positive conversation about a third party. Hold true to the rule of never ever speaking negatively about another who is not present. In fact, make a conscious effort to say something nice about them. Find something to be grateful when you speak of them. Make it a requirement of yourself and see how much better you feel immediately. What happens when you do this consistently? Not only do you and the recipients of your kindness feel great, but you naturally begin to shift your perspective in a way that allows you to truly see the perfection in others. You begin to create a new auto-pilot within yourself from which you operate. You will first feel a change in you as you discipline yourself to live from this new space. Then you actually allow others the possibility of showing up differently for you. They can then begin to live up to your newfound belief about them. And they, in turn, will begin to see the perfection in you! They will easily love and appreciate you more and more. The more you take the high road and remain patient with your practice, the more quickly you will see the change. Practice with one person so you can stay the course. When you see the results, you will want to take the next step and expand it to everyone in your life. And remember to keep your thoughts words and actions aligned. You will feel good when you think loving thoughts, speak loving words and take loving actions toward them. Practice kindness everyday, to everyone, and you will feel overwhelming happiness and a beautiful sense of calm. These words of kindness and joy will amplify your feelings of love and help pave the path to the next amazing experience you’d like to have.

Have an absolutely magical day full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133.

Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to:

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