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How Are You Feeling Right Now?

“The important thing is not to think much, but to love much; and so do that which best stirs you to love." ~ St Teresa of Avila

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

We are often very curious about what others think and feel about certain topics: a situation we have in front of us, a person, or even about ourselves. We are always so interested in the opinions of others. But, the truth is, we should be most interested in our very own feelings and thoughts. In fact, you should be aware of your own feelings all day long.

Ask yourself, “What am I feeling at this very moment?” If you feel absolutely wonderful right now, keep going! Think more of those wonderful thoughts, speak only loving words, and continue with those inspired actions. However, if you would like to feel differently, then you need to change your focus to something that will make you feel better.

Why is this so important? Because when you feel good, you are thinking about awesome things. Feelings decide what the moment we are living in, and the next one after that, looks like. Feelings pre-pave the way to our next experience . We create everything in our life by the way we feel. Only when we feel good, feeling love, joy, peace and calm, do we create what we desire.

It’s crucial that we pay attention to our feelings throughout the day and to the thoughts that are making us feel this way. Whatever you are thinking about, and your perspective about it right now, is causing you to feel a certain way. So, when you empower yourself by putting your focus and priority on feeling good, you move forward toward your next positive and fun experience.

Remember that the 40,000 most powerful cells in your body are located in and around your heart. When you focus on your heart, you are activating these cells and sending signals to the brain to follow suit. Monitoring how you feel, and flipping the switch to joy, will always allow you to shift to thoughts that create what you want so much more easily. When you feel good your thoughts are naturally more aligned with who you really are and what you truly really desire.

What can you do to create more awesome feelings and experiences? It’s quite amazingly simple! These 3 steps are the fastest way there...

1) Feel more love for yourself and gratitude for the essence of who you are. Put your hand on your heart, feel it beating, and visualize breathing in love and exhaling love. As you do this for a bit you will feel good in your heart. Now deepen the feeling by saying to yourself, "I love myself" or “I love you (your name)”.

2) Feel more love for others. Once you feel good inside it’s easy to feel love and send it out to others. Hold a picture in your mind of someone you want to share these good feelings with and say, "I send you love from my heart, (name)." Feel love for that person.

3) Feel appreciative and grateful for everyone and everything that you have in your life. Think about even the smallest things you have in this moment that you are grateful for. Everything counts, everything matters.

How can you keep yourself in this wonderful feeling space? Wherever you go and whatever you do, feel love for the people around you. When you feel good, you will see that your perspective and expectations for yourself and others will naturally change to the best possibility. As a result, you create more incredible people in your life. Do the same for your business, employees, colleagues and clients, and you’ll know what the best solutions and outcomes will be. You’ll make more money and sell more of whatever it is that you must. Do the same with your family and friends. The more you love, the more easily you will expect the best, and get it. The same applies to creating good health, good relationships, and anything else you desire for yourself or someone else.

These steps, used consistently, will get you to a better feeling place quickly. The longer you do them, the better you will feel, and the more amazing outcomes you will create. Now, one last thing. Put a snapshot in your mind of the outcome you want... and you’re done. Feel that the only possibility is the one where you get the outcome you desire.

Be sure that you are taking care of you and your future experiences by choosing the best possible thoughts, words, and actions of love, gratitude, and fun in the only moment that matters...NOW. When you do, you begin to create new and better situations in your life. You begin to live life in the flow, moving with the current. Life is supposed to be easy and fun! This is the way to creating a new auto-pilot from which to operate… one of loving and joyful feelings!

So, simply take your focus out of your head and think with your heart. In other words, FEEL more love and gratitude than you ever have before. As the endorphins release into your brain, you will begin to feel better, calmer, more creative, and more empowered to make this moment, this day, and your life into something amazing!

Have an absolutely magical day full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133.

Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to:

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