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Use Your Time Wisely

"It comes down to our ability to focus – we are most effective when we focus our attention on one thing at a time." ~ Matt D’Angelo, Business News Daily

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

The New Year is a time when many of us try to get clarity about what we want to achieve this year. However, it's also a time when we may have more than usual on our plate.

Right now, you may be sorting through different areas of your life, getting clarity about your goals, and feeling inspired around the actions, big and small, that will help you achieve your best year ever! So, using your time wisely is crucial to staying calm and creating an environment of success for yourself.

How can you use your time most wisely, most effectively? How can you get more done, and be more efficient and productive, rather than just being "busy"? How can you keep yourself on track?

Why not try thinking about time differently than you may be used to. As Einstein explained, the concept of time is simply a human mental construct, modes by which we individually think. So, however you perceive time to flow, in order to make “more time” for yourself, you must become calm and focused. You must feel that you have more than enough time to get it all done.

It all begins with you expecting, believing, and focusing on what’s important to you. You must follow through with a calm mindset, taking the inspired actions you identify.

I’ve tried several ways to stay true to my priorities and what I find helps greatly are these few things:

1.Create a “first thing in the morning” routine for yourself. This means taking some time today... and every day... as early as possible, to get quiet with yourself, even if it's only 15 minutes. See how much better you feel on the way to where you are going. As you begin to form this new habit, you will truly be amazed at how good you feel immediately afterward and all day long. Even a small amount of time spent going within will improve your focus on what you want to accomplish for the rest of your day. Also, it will give you more confidence about the day in front of you.

Just set your alarm to 15 minutes earlier. You can spend this extra time in meditation or focused on intentions for your day. You can do this through affirmations and visualizing, or just connecting with that Source of Infinite Power within for guidance. Doing this will make you feel so much more empowered and calm. And remember, calm is the key to accessing that Power within you!

When you take time for yourself every day, you open your mind to the pure potential of creativity. YOU hold the essence of that Power within you and YOU are creating your day as you go. This is the Power that creates your life. It is YOU! This is when you begin to live “in the flow", allowing that stream of Power to guide you through your day in a way that feels so much more connected and joyful. This is the first step to creating effectiveness and efficiency in your daily life.

2) Develop the Einstein way of thinking. Think only in terms of NOW! How? The answer is to reframe how you think about time to something that feels better. Know that NOW is where we experience our lives….it is the only moment that we create in and it is the only moment that matters. So, make the most of living in the present moment by paying attention to it and you will feel better than ever, all day long. As you are calmer than ever before, you will get more done and create what you want.

You may think that you must rush from the moment you get up to get it all done. However, this belief is only creating more to feel rushed about. Instead, be persistent in developing a new perspective of living consciously in each small segment of your day. This allows you to be more effective and efficient in the moment, as you are living it, from the second you wake up.

Every day, during your quiet time, repeat this to yourself:

"I am so grateful that I have more than enough time to get everything done in an easy and relaxed manner. I have an abundance of time to do whatever I want. I make effective decisions for myself. I stay mindful and focused as I experience the present moment as I am living it. As a result I get everything done with ease."

Remember Einstein’s point: How you truly experience time is relative to how YOU think about it. So, in order to complete our tasks for the day, we must create this new perspective about the time that we have and how we focus on it.

We must be very diligent about what we allow our mind and heart to focus on each moment. Since we create what we focus on and what we expect, we must expect the best, and nothing less. Then, the actions we take will be most effective.

3. It is very important that we have fun with what we do. When we have fun we achieve more in a shorter period of time. Why? Because having fun feels good. When we feel good, our minds are calm. When our mind is calm, science proves that we have more clarity, we are more creative problem solvers, we’re more engaged, productive, focused, and happy. In other words, when we’re having fun with what we do, we are completing our list in "the flow." It's like our operating mode is set on the best possible auto-pilot ever.

So, practice visualizing during your quiet time and see yourself with a smile on your face, moving through your day, efficiently getting it all done one item at a time, and feeling great about it. Now, feel the gratitude and joy that you always feel when you’ve accomplished something worthwhile.

4. On a practical note, always keep a list of what you must get done. Be sure you are using a daily calendar to schedule each of your priorities. Always work on getting your biggest or most time sensitive task done first and you will feel better. Feeling good then allows you to follow-through with your remaining list in a calm manner and you’ll make more progress.

5. End your session with an affirmation to yourself. First, feel the calm and joy of the moment. Then, say these words (or something similar in your own words), “I am a calm, wise person and I have only great thoughts of love, gratitude and fun!”

Repeat these statements over and over again like a mantra or a prayer throughout your day and you will find yourself "in the flow" more easily. If you want to create a life where you live in the flow more quickly, write these statements down every day and make them intentions. According to Harvard research, writing adds an additional element of clarity, focus, and power. You will be 1000% more successful!

Now, watch how much more you get done as you are inspired to make the best choices and take better actions.

6) Before you fall asleep, review the positive changes in your life from your day. At the end of your magnificent day, be sure to specifically think about how grateful you are for this new kind of day you are experiencing. When you do this, you will have more and more of these awesome days!

Have an absolutely magical day full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for an initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133.

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