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Your #1 New Year's Resolution

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” ~Andrew Carnegie

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

As you embark on a new year, one of your first resolutions should be to keep your "love tank" full every day! This means focusing your thoughts, words, time, energy, and actions on things that bring you joy. This allows you to have an abundance of love and joy available for yourself and others.....and it makes certain that you always feel great! When we live in the flow, we feel happy, our minds are calm, and we know that we have the power within ourselves to create the outcomes we truly desire. With a full "love tank," you are sure to live in this zone, feeling a calm "knowing" that you’ll achieve what you want most quickly. One of the key ingredients to inner happiness is setting intentions, or "goals," for yourself. These goals should excite you when you think about them. These should be intentions that are yours and make your heart sing. When we have goals that make us feel good, we also feel alive and empowered. We make better decisions for ourselves and we feel more fulfilled and inspired to take the actions necessary to realize them. So, if you want to achieve the life that you will love this year, and everything that your dreams encompass, you’ll need to start with a blank piece of paper. You can use this to create on and fill it up with amazing things. Be sure they feel so good that you can easily imagine how much fun you’ll have as you dream about them now. You must feel how good it feels NOW as you visualize them, and anytime you think about them in the next, present moment. The next thing you need to do is feel lots of gratitude for what you have already. We have so much! It would take a long time to truly express our gratitude and appreciation for everything we already have. And feeling good about everything in this present moment is crucial. For example, if you want to create more money, you must feel good about money. You must feel only gratitude for the money you have now. Then, you must feel good about the money that others are making for themselves. You are happy for them. As you think about them, you send them loving thoughts for more prosperity. If you want more clients, you express gratitude for the clients you have today. Then, you take the action with joy to grow your client base. You must feel good in the process. Your love tank needs to be tended to and constantly filled. If you want better health, you have to find things to be grateful for with your health today. What does your body allow you do that you can be grateful for? Can you walk or run? Do you have arms that can hug your loved ones? Do you have hands that allow you type, draw, and pick things up? The list is endless. Begin to send love to your body for all it allows you to do today. While positive thoughts are very important (they have emotions attached to them that make us feel good or not), the way to achieving our goals most quickly is by feeling love and gratitude all day long for everything and everyone, including you. As you concentrate on feeling good with each experience you have during your day, you will be sure to think positive thoughts and deepen these good feelings. These good feelings of love allow you use your imagination to its fullest. Remember, our imaginations play a crucial role in our creative ability. We are "feeling beings who think." And, we think in pictures. So, when we feel great and use our imagination to see a snapshot of what we want, that emotion is amplified. Our imaginations expand, allowing us to know that we can create it as it feels soooo good. Last but not least, if you want this year to be the best year of your life, you must concentrate on the most important person in your life. That is you! You must recognize the truth... that you are amazing and brilliant in your own right. You need to see how incredible you are and love yourself more than you ever have. You need to truly concentrate on feeling more love in your heart for you, and for everyone and everything, so that you recognize the Infinite Source of Power that resides within you... that is you. You will then be able to feel love for EVERYTHING that you see, hear, taste, touch, smell, and think about. You are powerful in the act of creating your life based on your thoughts, words, actions, and how they make you feel. So, what should your number one New Year’s resolution be? It's should be to FEEL GREAT!

Have an absolutely magical day full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for an initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133.

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