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Are You in "The Flow"?

"Once we learn to master the waves of life, we can take full advantage of this power and use it to make our lives to healthier and happier." Brett Wade, PhD, Ekahi Method

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

What does it truly mean to "go with the flow." Is it as easy as it sounds? Are you living your life in the flow right now, or does it feel like you’re rowing upstream, against the current? We all know the feeling that represents our life "in the flow." It’s that easy feeling that, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, whomever you’re with, everything is humming along for you. It just feels like the universe is perfectly aligned. You are moving with the current easily and effortlessly. Things are going your way. Everything is getting resolved so joyfully! It feels so good when things are "in the flow," and we always want more of it.

Think about it a bit more. Think of a time recently when you felt this way. Were you more lighthearted? Were you smiling and laughing more? Did you feel more energized and focused, calmer? Perhaps you even noticed a greater sense of clear mindedness during this time. Did you feel better physically? Were others around you more loving and fun to be with?

So, how can you get back to this feeling? How can you live your life "in the flow" all the time?

The answer is quite simple. In fact, the answer is about simplifying your life! No, I don’t mean giving up all your belongings and running away to Bali, or becoming a monk and spending hours meditating every day. Although these alternatives could certainly work as well, the truth is that we can live our busy, exciting lives and still have that amazing calm mindset. We can be in the midst of everything that's going on around us and still be living in that beautiful, wonderful flow. You’ve likely experienced it at some point in your life, so you know it’s possible. In fact, it's possible to feel this way NOW and everyday! You just need to understand the simplicity that I am speaking of and be willing to make the simple choice that allows it... the choice of YOU feeling more LOVE.

How do you do this from a practical point of view?

In order to get into that positive flow of your life, you need to know who you really are. When you understand that you are very powerful and an unlimited creative being. Everything around you moves forward in the direction you desire so much more easily. Since you are creating everything, the first step starts with you loving YOU more.

When you feel more love for you, something amazing happens. You feel aligned with that loving power that is the "real you", and you begin to make things happen more easily than ever before. You also have more clarity about yourself, your gifts, and your talents. And even more wonderful, you will have a positive impact on everyone around you. In feeling more love for yourself, you will easily feel more love for others.

Feeling love intensely is the key to developing the confidence that you have the ability to be, do, and have whatever it is that you truly desire. It is the key to you connecting with that power that you already are. The more love you feel, the faster things happen. The calmness that this feeling brings is the key to living in the flow and creating what we desire. It’s where the true magic happens!

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, FUN!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please share this link with a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact Mary Lynn for an initial Coaching session!


Watch my TEDx Talk Here!

I am excited to announce that my recent talk at TEDx Wilmington is now available to watch in its entirety.  

In this talk, I ask you to reimagine the possibilities of human potential as I draw from two of the brightest scientific minds in the world of health and wellness.  

Click below to watch the full talk on YouTube! I GREATLY appreciate it if you would also please like, comment, and share with anyone you think would enjoy this message. Thank you!


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Learn Advanced Life Concepts and the Extent of Our Human Potential (9 Week Online Course)

Are you ready to start living life on your terms? Are you ready to feel more love, joy, and calm? Would you like to have more clarity, true happiness, and success? If you could wave a magic wand and have anything your heart desires in life, both personally and professionally, what would that look like? This course will help you get more clarity about what you truly want in life, then provide you with the tools to achieve it! (Learn More...)


"Journey to Joy" Inspirational Audio

JoyBreak Audio Collections are a collection of inspirational, insightful, and powerful audio messages by Mary Lynn Ziemer, along with soothing music.


Guided Heart Meditation

Are you listening to your heart? You already HAVE all of the answers to the questions that you seek. All of the solutions are within you... you just need to learn how to access them. This amazing meditation will help you do exactly that.


Looking for a fun and engaging Keynote Speaker for your event?

Mary Lynn is available as a keynote speaker for community or corporate events of any size. Contact Mary Lynn with your event details or click this link to learn more.



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