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Enjoy the Wonder and Awe of Nature

"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." -John Muir

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

No matter where you live, there is always time for a Nature break. Even for those faced with colder temps, or living in bigger cities, it just takes getting a bit creative. While we may not always be able to get outside during these changing times, we can surely find a window, a terrace, or a rooftop to enhance our view. The sky, the clouds, the sun or the rain may typically seem mundane. But now, in our daily confinement, we realize more than ever before, how much they have to offer us. You can find little pockets of beautiful nature anywhere you go! (For example, the photo above was taken last week by my marketing person, Julie, on her walk along the walking/biking path on Sanibel Island. Even alongside a main road, little pockets of nature like this can provide a beautiful solace.)

The calming effects of Nature, of watching a bird build its nest or a rare wildlife sighting, will revive your energy and renew your spirit. You'll return to your activities with a fresher perspective. A little time communing with Nature is so worth the effort!

Think of it as an investment in yourself that will yield huge dividends. Connecting with nature allows your mind to become more calm, creative, and full of new ideas. It gives you clarity about issues you've been trying to resolve. As you cherish this time in Nature, you will feel what it has to offer. Take advantage of this time to go within and see where it leads you.

For those of us who live in smaller towns and cities, we’re more likely able to get outside to enjoy the fresh air for a bit. Taking a walk around the block during the first hours of a sunrise, or finding a place where you can watch the sunset, can be a magnificent way to start or end your day. There is no feeling like the morning sunrise, a calming sunset, a brisk walk outdoors, or the view from a hill, overlooking a snowy meadow or forest. The beauty of that moment inspires a realization that we are all "one." We are all in this together, grateful for the good that this time will leave behind. We are connected with nature, as well as everything and everyone around us. We are connected through Einstein’s Unified field of energy... we are connected by love.

"Look deep into Nature and then you will understand everything better" ~Albert Einstein

Nature has scientifically proven health benefits!

Evidence from over 140 studies, involving more than 290 million people and 20 countries, showed the following results:

"We found that spending time in, or living close to, natural green spaces is associated with diverse and significant health benefits." -Caoimhe Twohig-Bennett, from UEA's Norwich Medical School

Results from these studies saw:

  • Decreased chance of various diseases

  • Reduced diastolic blood pressure

  • Reduced heart rate

  • Reduced stress

  • Improved respiratory

  • Increased immune system

In these studies, 'Green space' was defined as open, undeveloped land with natural vegetation as well as urban greenspaces, which included urban parks and street greenery. This means, exploring any little pockets of nature (even if you're in an urban area) will serve as a health benefit!

After reviewing hundreds of studies examining nature's effects on health, University of Illinois environment and behavior researcher Ming Kuo believes the answer lies in nature's ability to enhance the body's immune system. According to Kuo:

"Nature doesn't just have one or two active ingredients. It's more like a multivitamin that provides us with all sorts of the nutrients we need. That's how nature can protect us from all these different kinds of diseases--cardiovascular, respiratory, mental health, musculoskeletal, etc. -- simultaneously."

So, take full advantage of your peaceful adventure. As you feel the beauty of Nature, open your heart to whatever is in front of you. If you get a glimpse of another, feel love for that person as you pass them, or send love from afar. If you see a bird, a tree in bloom, a flower, a body of water, or a beautiful sky, take the time to really see it in its full glory. Concentrate on whatever it holds for you in that moment. Feel the pure joy of it, and this "living in the present" experience will bring you great calm.

As your focus shifts yet again, in your calm, it’s a great time to ask for clarity. Search for answers to questions you may have on your mind. When you are in the midst of appreciating your surroundings, you feel the calm even more. And a calm mind is where the wisdom and guidance within you reside. Now, take time to ask your questions, and the insights will surely come.

Know that Nature is a magnificent gift that encourages and supports us in our quest to be the best we can be. As it shows us the way to a calmer mindset, we see the truth. With a calm mindset, we know that everything is possible and we see our way to where we want to go more clearly.

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, FUN!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for an initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133.

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