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How is Patience Like a Microwave?

"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else." ~George Savile

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

Patience is a funny thing.

Patience works differently than you might imagine. It is very powerful. Think of patience like a microwave. It actually speeds up the process, so you can participate in a much more joyful, calm way. The more patient you are, the faster you achieve your goals. When you've truly committed to remaining patient, it keeps everything you’re doing flowing smoothly and effortlessly. You feel so much more “on-track” with getting things done. And, most importantly, patience allows you to enjoy the present moment, the one that you create from. The only one that matters!

How can you feel more patience?

Patience comes from the calm that we have deep within. It is a mindset. This calm mindset is what will get you where you want to go quickly, it will help you get things done. You’ll feel so good taking inspired action and creating what you want. How wonderful and amazing that we have this ability!

Here is a scientifically proven method that you can use to bring you back to calm and help you maintain patience throughout your day. You can use it with the intent of reaching all goals... big and small. As you keep your patience, not only will you enjoy each day, but you'll have a notable effect on others. Patience has a ripple effect. With your newfound "calm knowing" that everything is worthy of your full and positive presence, you’ll find it easier to show your kindness toward others. You’ll have more fun, because love is always at the heart of true fun!

It's simple... here’s how.

Feel more love to get to a place of calm. Calm will always take you to patience. In fact, patience is a "calm knowing" that all is going to work out. Everything is going to be fine.

In studies done by The HeartMath Institute, it has been proven that your heart has an electromagnetic field around it that is 5000x more powerful than the electromagnetic field around your brain. In other words, the point is to feel more and think less for more success. Science has proven that feeling good gets you what you want.

Try this exercise to activate the 40,000 most powerful cells in your body.

Step 1. Close your eyes and put your hand over your heart. Feel the warmth of your body. You may feel a sensation or a tingling of your heart center. This can have an immediate calming effect. If you don’t feel anything, don’t worry. Know that it’s still working for you, either way. We’re all different, so just allow the feeling to flow by being relaxed. Wherever it takes you, just go with it.

Step 2. As you do this, imagine that you are breathing love into your heart. On each in-breath, breathe in the breath of love deeply and say "I love myself." Now, relax and drop your shoulders. Allow yourself to feel love from your heart.

Step 3. When you exhale, just imagine letting go of anything that is keeping you from feeling good. Your default setting is "love", so you can always get back to it!

Step 4. Repeat steps 1-3 again. This time, when you get to step 3, on the exhale, send love out all around you. Feel yourself surrounded by love and send it out, sharing it with the world, or with a particular person or situation. See the situation or the person in your mind and say to yourself, "I send you love from my heart____."

Repeat these steps as long as necessary to feel more peace and calm. You can use them daily as a form of meditation, if you like. Just 5 minutes of focused breathing can feel wonderful. As you feel your breath going into and out of your heart at your own pace, it will be easier to practice the joy of patience.

Let’s enjoy what we really want. Let’s view our life like a movie that we know will have the happiest endings, with each scene, as we go through our day. Have patience and compassion for everyone involved. As we focus in our minds on the outcomes we want (while feeling really, really good), know that we’ll bring about those positive outcomes or resolutions all day long.

Let’s enjoy a calm mindset, getting everything done, achieving what we wish for with patience, in an easy and effortless manner, and faster than we ever imagined possible. Now we’re on the joyful track to living each day, with a smile on our face, as we create a life that we love.

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, FUN!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for an initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133.

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