"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will." – George Bernard Shaw

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
How was it possible for a multi-ton piece of metal to fly in the sky? How was it possible for a horseless carriage to move by itself? How was it possible for us to speak to someone halfway around the world instantly? How was it possible to breathe under water or explore the vacuum of space? The amazing advances in technology and science prove that, at some point, someone envisioned something that was beyond what we thought was possible.
It all begins with our imagination! Everything ever created started with imagination. If we can imagine something, we can have it! The first car, the first airplane, the first phone, the first camera... all just pure imagination. They were a dream that someone visualized, which eventually became a reality.
The same analogy applies to our minds. If we think it is possible to have deeply loving, wonderful and fun relationships, we will create them. If we think that it is possible to create others in our lives as being happy and successful, prosperous and kind…we will create that. If we can imagine being perfectly healthy, we can be.
Our lives are supposed to be easy! Our lives are supposed to be joyful and fun. We are supposed to create flourishing businesses, successful and happy children and loved ones, financial freedom, our dream jobs, etc. We are supposed to create lots of fun and fulfilling circumstances in our lives. When we use our minds the way they should be used, we take our lives to a level beyond what we ever thought was possible. We take ourselves to a magical life!
...And it all starts with using your imagination!
How is it possible for us to create things with our mind... like fantastic relationships? Can a perfect relationship exist? It is the same question that was asked about flying. It is only possible if we think and know that it is. Carl Benz, a very brilliant and adventurous man thought that a horseless carriage could move by itself. He invented the first horseless carriage, the first car. The list of amazing people, who used their imagination to create progress, goes on and on.
So, just exactly how do we apply these same principals to create a life that we love?
We must begin with the right mindset to fuel our imagination. We need to KNOW that what we want is going to happen. We need to see in our mind that it has already happened, that it is already ours. We must feel how good it feels. In order for us to heal ourselves and others, we need to see in our minds that we, or they, are already healthy. We have to see that we already have the perfect relationships, an extremely successful business, the perfect job, etc. We first have to see the potential that already exists for the situation to be what we want it to be. It makes us feel good as we think about it. And as we focus on "feeling good" consistently, it takes us to "knowing." Knowing is faith of a certainty. Faith in our ability to create what we desire. It is when we know in our gut that we can do it!
I encourage my clients to set goals for themselves that are very ambitious and take actions toward reaching them. Goals that are beyond what they think are possible, beyond the realm of “normal” achievement. Why? Because we have to imagine it as possible before it will show up in our reality. It is only a possibility in the first place because you begin to think about it and dream about it. Those kinds of goals have made the biggest difference in the history of our world. Those kinds of goals created a car, a plane, a camera, a computer, a cell phone, and much, much more. They took yours or someone else’s life to a completely new level.
In the beginning, when famous inventors set those kinds of goals, they first wished that it could be done. They hoped for it. But then, eventually, that hope was transformed into knowing that “it CAN be done!” Then, they KNEW that THEY could do it!
How do you turn your magnificent goal into a reality? By building a foundation of true inner peace, happiness, and calm within yourself first. This requires focusing on YOU! Then, that foundation of deep and intense love for yourself... and everyone and everything else... will fuel the calm knowing. It will allow you the mindset needed to most easily play the perfect scenario over and over again in your mind, until it becomes a part of you. Until you see it as a done deal. Until you know that it is just a matter of time and it is yours. Until you know that YOU can do it. Until you take the actions that get you there. When you know it, when you truly know it… then… it becomes your new reality and creates a life of pure magic.
Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, FUN!
~Mary Lynn Ziemer
If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!
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