"Love has a powerful way of removing the mask we all insist on wearing." ~Jessy

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
With Halloween approaching, as well as everything in the news, it's hard to go a day without hearing or thinking about ‘masks’. But there’s another type of mask that we often don’t talk about. And, of all the masks out there, this one is the most rewarding when you are finally able to take it off.
This special holiday is all about pretending to be someone we really aren’t. Dressing up in costumes can be a lot of fun! We love to figure out “the one” that depicts our most recent fascination or that just feels like the most fun. Or, we love talking about what Super Hero or latest icon our kids or grandkids are going to "be." But, today, I want to talk about shedding the proverbial masks many of us have worn for years. And show you a few tricks for finding the treat in who you really are!
More than a decade ago, when I took a new path to finding more authentic happiness, I realized that another version of me was hidden underneath years of wearing my “costume.” Of course, at the time, I didn’t think of it as a costume at all. That’s the irony of it all. It was a very comfortable costume that I wore every day. I believed it to be me through and through. It wasn’t that I didn’t have fun being “that me.” I just didn’t know what I know now…that there is so much more beyond what I had normalized my thinking to believe.
And, what I now know is that the "real me," and the "real you," is inside of ourselves.
And it’s the perfect time to tap into the real power, the power of LOVE that we are. As we take off our costume that we have been wearing for so long, we unleash our true magnificent selves and all the potential that we have at our fingertips. We can become an even greater version of ourselves. We can feel so much love and have so much more fun than we ever realized was possible!
Now, I long to know each day what I don’t know that I don’t know, because I KNOW that every day is supposed to be the most fun adventure of our lives. I just want to keep growing into the best version of me that I can be, so I can experience more joy and fun.
So, who are we really? We are incredibly brilliant beings with the amazing ability to be, do, and have whatever we want, all in a way that feels so good. We can have more joy and freedom, find more purpose in our lives, have great health, more loving relationships, and get hired for that fun job that pays well. In fact, all of it comes as a result of increased levels of true happiness, which takes us to calm . A calm mindset is the key. And yes, it is even possible to make real miracles happen when we are in a calm state of mind. (One study reported that 84% of those surveyed believe in them.) Personally, I see them occur often for my clients, so I know they can happen for everyone.
So, it's time to take off your costume and look at the real you! The true you inside is a trace of the real and magnificent Source of Infinite Power that exists. That trace is LOVE. You may call it by a different name (Greater Consciousness, God or Source Energy, Spirit, etc.) Whatever the name, LOVE is the power, and there is no limit to how much of it we can feel. It is ever abundant.
We have so much more to offer ourselves and others as we open up to the infinite possibilities of who we really are. We must practice thinking, speaking, and acting from a place of love more often. When we do, we will experience the real fun! ☺
The Tricks AND Treats!
Here are a few tricks to help you get started in shedding your "costume", realizing your true potential, and getting the "treat" of whatever you want this Halloween... and forever after:
1. Pay attention. Expect to feel more love and pay more attention to everything around you. Love yourself more than you ever have. Also, feel more love for everyone and everything else in the same way, knowing that we are all connected.
2. Have fun with everything you do! Smile and laugh a lot. Expect yourself to create more funny things around you that will make you laugh more; things that are easy to love. Then love them and love them some more. Now you are experiencing the fun of loving everything (the things) all around you. Now you are feeling how powerful having true fun is. As you have fun feeling more love than ever before, you will have more fun than ever before. It’s a wonderful upward spiral! As you have fun, feeling love and gratitude for everything, you will create a new autopilot for yourself. Then, you'll see that you’ve created more and more fun things to love.
Expect to create funny situations and find humor in things. It's so easy to feel love when we're laughing! Have fun loving these things! As long as you have fun with life, this "autopilot" will keep growing faster and stronger.
3. Be grateful all day long. Say “I love you” and "thank you" with heartfelt emotion as often as you can throughout your day, to everyone and everything, even if only spoken in your mind. Be thankful for all that you already have, and for everyone, including you and the essence of who you are. Make it a habit.
As a result, you are going to feel more and more love. And as a result of feeling more love, you are going to become calmer and calmer. And as a result of that calmness…you are going to create more and more miracles!
Enjoy this holiday, the beautiful full moon, the Fall season, and getting to know the "real you" that's under the mask. Now, are you ready to have more fun than ever?
Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, FUN!
~Mary Lynn Ziemer
If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!
Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for an initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133.
Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to: MaryLynn@LivingAJoyfulLifeNow.com
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