“You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything.” – Henry David Thoreau

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
On your journey, creating the most amazing life you can imagine, you must always remember this very important fact. You are unique... and magnificent.
As you tap into your power to create, it is so important to recognize how special and brilliant you truly are. You must feel lots of love for everything that makes you who you are. You must see your magnificence and completely accept the "real you.” Why? Because the intensity of love that you feel for yourself is the foundation required to create the life of your dreams. When you love yourself simply because you exist, you will be able to love everyone and everything in that very same way. That’s the power of love that fuels the creation of joyful outcomes.
Not sure what really makes you tick, or what makes you unique? If you need more clarity about what brings you inner peace and joy, ask yourself these questions:
“What do I do well”
“What activities bring me joy?”
"What are my gifts and talents?"
“What makes me feel awe?”
Then, dive even deeper and ask...
"Who am I?"
"What is my path to my greatness?”
If you need more clarity, try meditation, quiet time, a nature retreat, or simple prayer to ask these questions, and listen for guidance from within. (My guided heart meditation is a great tool to help you with this!)
Whatever comes to you, write it down and take action on guidance you receive immediately.
Don't stop asking until you have clarity. Be sure to only compare yourself to you and your potential, as there is only one unique you. Remember, we are all created in the image and likeness of that Source of Infinite Power so your gifts and talents are there, waiting to be used by you.
Know who you really are and embrace your differences. Allow others to be their unique selves too. Just focus on getting clear about what you want, what your joys and passions are, and pursue them. Relentlessly. Love yourself by keeping your love tank full so you can share it with others. It is the only way, as you can only give love to someone else if you first have it to give.
Explore your uniqueness even more...
Go out and try new things that you’ve thought about and have always wanted to experience. Open your heart and your mind to new ways of being, thinking, and experiencing the world. Then, take a new adventure, big or small. Get out of your routine and have more fun today! Be curious and feel the wonder of the "differentness" of yourself and others. Diversity is such a gift when your heart is open wide to see the beauty in everyone and everything, including you.
Enjoy feeling more fun and awe with the world than ever before, and sheer joy and wonder as you script your life in a way that will make you happy with who you are!
Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, FUN!
~Mary Lynn Ziemer
If this message inspired you, please share this link with a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!
Need help feeling more joy today? Contact Mary Lynn for an initial Coaching session!
If only we had learned this in school....
No matter where you are in your joyful journey, there is always room to grow...to fill your love tank to overflowing! In these educational video workshops, Mary Lynn Ziemer lets you in on a few secrets that successful people have been using for years. In her enlightening and entertaining presentations, she explains how to use a few simple tools that have been scientifically proven over and over to help you achieve everything you want in life. These are tools that were never taught in school, but have the power to significantly change your life! (Learn More...)

"Journey to Joy" Inspirational Audio
JoyBreak Audio Collections are a collection of inspirational, insightful, and powerful audio messages by Mary Lynn Ziemer, along with soothing music.
Guided Heart Meditation
Are you listening to your heart? You already HAVE all of the answers to the questions that you seek. All of the solutions are within you... you just need to learn how to access them. This amazing meditation will help you do exactly that.

Looking for a fun and engaging Keynote Speaker for your event?
Mary Lynn is available as a keynote speaker for community or corporate events of any size. Contact Mary Lynn with your event details or click this link to learn more.
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